Boka Media Company

Geographic Partner Program

At Boka Media Co., we're more than just a media company; we're storytellers, historians, and visionaries. Our passion lies in capturing and preserving personal histories, legacies, and moments that matter. Now, we're extending an exclusive invitation for photographers and videographers across the nation to join us on this remarkable journey.


Equipment Investment

At least two professional cameras, reliable audio setup, effective lighting solutions, and reputable video editing and audio software such as Adobe Audition and Adobe Premiere Pro.

Legal Documentation

Our mutual protection is paramount. Prospective partners will need to review and sign crucial legal agreements which include, but are not limited to:

To ensure the unique services offered by Boka remain unparalleled.

Protecting our clients, our processes, and the integrity of our operations.

To protect Boka and its partners from any potential unforeseen damages or accidents that could occur during a shoot.

Outlining the expected levels of service, timelines, and deliverables to ensure consistency and quality across the board.

Safeguarding Boka’s proprietary methods, processes, and materials from misuse or unauthorized distribution.

Ensuring that all parties handle personal and sensitive information in compliance with privacy laws and best practices.

Laying out processes for resolving any potential disagreements or issues that might arise in the course of business.

Ensuring all partners uphold the brand’s reputation, values, and standards of behavior.

Clearly detailing the financial aspects of the partnership, including profit-sharing, payment timelines, and other monetary considerations.

Let’s Shape the Future Together

We envision a nationwide network of Boka Personal Historians, each dedicated to their craft and committed to our shared mission. If our vision aligns with your aspirations, and you’re based in a major city looking for an opportunity to grow alongside a pioneering brand, we want to hear from you!

This isn’t a traditional franchise opportunity but rather a partnership built on trust, mutual growth, and a shared passion for preserving legacies.

Interested? Reach out to us using the contact form below, and let’s explore the possibilities that await.

Join us, and let’s make history together.

Contact Us

    Why Partner With Boka

    • 01Built-to-Last Infrastructure

      Our team at Boka has spent countless hours refining our processes, documentation, and establishing a robust online presence. As a Geographic Partner, you'll gain privileged access to this rich ecosystem, ensuring seamless operations and a trusted brand backing you.

    • 02Exclusive Access

      Dive deep into our reservoir of resources. From client onboarding protocols to post-production tips, our comprehensive materials are at your disposal.

    • 03No Upfront Costs

      We believe in our partners. Instead of charging you to join, we only share in the profits after a project is completed. It's a testament to our trust in the mutual success of our partnership.

    • 04Generous Compensation

      We understand the value of skilled work. Once business is conducted, partners are rewarded significantly after specific percentages are allocated for advertising and other operational costs